We try to follow this sentence in life, we believe that to want is to be able, and to be able is to act, change, decide about oneself.

This is also the name of our new project to support the social, economic and psychological independence of women with refugee experience from Ukraine. We came up with this project because women constitute the majority of our community, struggling every day with the difficulties of forced life abroad, for themselves, for their loved ones, and increasingly also for the place where they are.

The project consists of two annual Polish courses and two psychosocial support groups. Good knowledge of Polish will help participants, among others: find a better job, communicate more easily in everyday situations. Support groups and the presence of other women in a similar situation provide support and understanding. Everything together, step by step, turns loneliness, fear, or a sense of powerlessness into a driving force. That’s what we’re about! Both in this project and in everyday work in our Świetlica Community Center Dębniki.

Of course, participants can also use other resources and activities of the Świetlica Dębniki Community Center, a space where bonds, cooperation, independence and a sense of agency are born.

The project is co-financed by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation as part of the We Support Ukraine program implemented by the Fundacja Edukacja dla Demokracji. It started in the Świetlica Dębniki Community Center on May 16, 2024 and will last until May 15, 2025.


You can save someone’s world.


Kocham Dębniki Foundation
Konfederacka street 4/5
30-322 Kraków, Poland


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